【邀请函/Invitation】COP27中国角边会 / COP27 China Pavilion Side Event
本次边会上,中国宏观经济研究院能源研究所将发布《中国能源转型展望2023:COP27特别报告》,评述中国、丹麦与国际能源转型面临的挑战与进展。能源所开展的“中国能源转型”项目以实现中国碳中和承诺为目标,年度旗舰报告《中国能源转型展望》纳入中国能源转型最新政策举措,分析能源市场的动荡与挑战,系统评估电气化、可再生能源、储能、绿氢、负碳、智慧能源等能源技术的最新进展,提出中国能源碳中和的解决方案与转型路径。《中国能源转型展望2022》于今年早些时候发布(报告访问 www.cet.energy)。
The global economy’s slow recovery in the wake of the pandemic and geopolitical conflicts have led to a dramatic upheaval in the energy market and a severe impact on the energy supply chain, making energy security a global concern. In the face of addressing the climate crisis, the global zero-carbon track is being threatened by short-term risks. There is an urgent need for the international community to come up with solutions and act together.
This side event, hosted by the Energy Research Institute (ERI) of China Academy of Macroeconomic Research, invites senior experts, governmental representatives and industry leaders from China, Denmark, the United States, and international organisations to discuss China’s and global energy pathway towards carbon neutrality through technology advances, policies and international cooperation while dealing with the challenges on energy security as well as mitigation of climate change.
The event also releases the China Energy Transformation Outlook 2023: Special Report for COP27 with a status for the energy transformation progress in China, Denmark and internationally. The China Energy Transformation Outlook 2022, the flagship publication which presents the key findings of ERI’s China Energy Transformation Programme, was published earlier this year and is available at the programme website www.cet.energy.
时间:2022年11月16日 星期三 11:40 – 13:20(开罗时间)/ 17:40 – 19:10(北京时间)
Zoom 链接:https://us02web.zoom.us/s/84399143979?pwd=Ym1wMWFmNVRpYnc1QlMrZ05VSWlSUT09
Time: 11:40 -13:20 (Cairo time) / 17:40-19:10 (Beijing time), Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Venue: China Pavilion at the COP27, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. (Zoom online live-stream available)
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/s/84399143979?pwd=Ym1wMWFmNVRpYnc1QlMrZ05VSWlSUT09
For online participants, please make the registration here to receive the zoom meeting link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xZWf7ndNRZSFkCZFupaJfw
会议日程 / Agenda